It may sound simple, but it will definitely increase your chances of success if you know what the customer truly wants and will pay for. How to do this? Ask them! Or better yet, run a small test and observe what your customers actually want to pay you for. How to Run a Focus Group […]
Posts in category PLAN
Understanding Your Online Market and Competitors
Understanding Your Online Market and Competitors – It’s easier than you might expect! In an online business, it’s possible to estimate the potential size of your customer base through a few handy tools provided by the major search engines. Large amounts of search traffic, or overall search volumes increasing over time may indicate that your […]
Using Plugins on Your WordPress Site
Using Plugins on Your WordPress Site If you’ve built a site with WordPress you can add extra functionality via plugins; these are essentially pieces of code specifically built for use with the WordPress CMS, allowing your site to do more things. And there’s even better news: most of the 37,000+ plugins are free (with some […]
How To Optimise Your Web Copy
Wondering how to optimise your web copy? While you are writing copy for your prospective human customers, it’s also crucial to remember what the search engine robots also need to see in order to rank your pages well, and thus reward the relevance of your site to the web-browsing public’s enquiries. Getting your copy right for […]
Business Idea: The Online Publisher
Business Idea: The Online Publisher Do you have something to say that people will be entertained or informed by? Why not start a blog or resource site about your favourite topic? This basic business concept is like running a free magazine; you give away interesting content to get readers, and then advertisers pay you to […]
4 Key Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs
Thinking of starting your own business? Here are 4 Key Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs: 1. Drive 5% inspiration, 95% perspiration? There may be something to that saying, as it is certainly in the execution that businesses turn from being a good idea into a successful and proven entity. You’ll need the drive and determination to see projects […]